Sunday, October 01, 2006


3endy emte7an bacher ma adry sheno salfeeta ??? el (dr) sodany ma e3areef edarees keeleesh ma adry sheeno asaway ma3ah ??
el emte7an 2 chapter bas ohwa galena bas drsaw 15 9af7a :| eshloon ma adry alla yaster mina.


Reem B. said...
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Reem B. said...

Walla ma agool '3air THANK GOD this nightmare of exams is over! Ta3al... inta kwaiti w tedres fil emarat laykoon saaken fi Uptown Mirdif :P hehe

And hey I wanna ask you... was this subject easy? Cuz i'm taking it next semester inshalla... itha ALLAH 7YANY w i survived this summer.